
In today's society, with the continuous advancement of technology, IVF technology has become an important way for many infertile couples to realize their dream of having children. As one of the pioneers of IVF technology in China, Guangdong's third-generation IVF process has attracted much attention. This article will explain in detail the process of Guangdong's third-generation IVF, allowing readers to have a deeper understanding of this technology.

1. 术前检查 Preoperative examination


Before undergoing the third-generation IVF, both the husband and wife need to undergo a series of physical examinations to ensure that their physical condition is suitable for IVF. These tests include blood tests, endocrine tests, sperm tests, and uterine lining tests. Only after passing these tests can the couple proceed to the next step of IVF.

2. 促排卵治疗 Ovulation induction treatment


Ovulation induction treatment is the first step in the third-generation IVF process, aiming to promote ovulation in women through medication to increase the chances of conception. Doctors will develop a personalized ovulation induction treatment plan based on the woman's physical condition and medical history, monitor the growth of ovarian follicles, and determine the best time for conception.

3. 取卵手术 Oocyte retrieval surgery


Oocyte retrieval surgery is an important part of the third-generation IVF process and needs to be performed when the female ovaries have developed to a certain extent. During the surgery, doctors will use minimally invasive techniques guided by ultrasound to retrieve mature eggs in preparation for subsequent fertilization and embryo transfer.

4. 处理 Sperm processing


After oocyte retrieval surgery, the male needs to provide a sperm sample for processing. Doctors will carefully process the sperm, selecting vigorous and normal-shaped sperm to increase the fertilization rate. At the same time, if the couple uses donated sperm or eggs, this step also requires corresponding processing.

5. 体外受精 In vitro fertilization


After sperm processing, doctors will perform in vitro fertilization of the sperm and eggs to culture embryos. This process needs to be carried out under strict aseptic conditions to ensure the quality of the fertilized eggs. Doctors will select the best embryos for transfer based on the quantity and quality of the fertilized eggs.

6. 胚胎移植 Embryo transfer


Embryo transfer is the final step in the third-generation IVF process, where doctors will transfer the cultured embryos into the woman's uterus to promote pregnancy. After the transfer, the woman needs to rest and recuperate to increase the success rate of embryo implantation.
