

The technology of test-tube babies has undergone several technological innovations and developments since its first successful application in 1978. The first generation of test-tube babies refers to the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology to implant fertilized eggs into the mother's body, while the second generation of test-tube babies is to conduct genetic testing before implanting fertilized eggs to avoid genetic diseases. The third generation of test-tube babies is to conduct genetic editing before implanting fertilized eggs to achieve the purpose of selecting superior genes.



The cost of the third generation of test-tube babies is relatively high, mainly because the cost of genetic editing technology is high. In addition to the traditional test-tube baby costs, the third generation of test-tube babies also needs to pay for the genetic editing technology, making the entire process more expensive. Depending on different medical institutions and regions, the cost of the third generation of test-tube babies may vary.



Currently, insurance products for the third generation of test-tube babies are still relatively rare. Traditional test-tube baby insurance usually only covers the related expenses of the first or second generation of test-tube babies, while the insurance coverage for the third generation of test-tube babies is relatively narrow. This also means that if a family decides to have a third generation of test-tube babies, they need to bear the potentially high medical expenses themselves.



Although the third generation of test-tube baby technology has many potential benefits, it also comes with certain risks. Genetic editing technology may lead to unknown genetic variations or other adverse consequences, posing potential risks to the baby's health. In addition, due to the complexity of genetic editing technology, there may be operational errors or immature technology, which also increases the risks.



The third generation of test-tube baby technology involving genetic editing has raised many ethical issues. Genetic editing may lead to the artificial selection of superior genes, thereby causing social unfairness and moral dilemmas. In addition, genetic editing may also lead to irreversible changes in genetic inheritance, which will have long-term effects on the human gene pool. Therefore, the ethical issues of the third generation of test-tube babies also need to be carefully considered and discussed.



The third generation of test-tube babies requires a professional medical team to perform genetic editing and related technical operations. This medical team usually consists of reproductive medicine experts, geneticists, embryologists, and other related professionals. They need to have rich experience and professional knowledge to ensure the accuracy and safety of genetic editing.



For families preparing for the third generation of test-tube babies, psychological preparation is also very important. Due to the complexity and risks of the third generation of test-tube baby technology, families need to have a clear understanding of the possible outcomes and be psychologically prepared. They need to fully understand the challenges that may be faced throughout the process and be prepared for psychological adjustment and support.



With the continuous progress and development of technology, the third generation of test-tube baby technology may be more widely used and improved. With the continuous development of genetic editing technology, the third generation of test-tube babies may play a greater role in the prevention of genetic diseases, the selection of superior genes, and so on. At the same time, with the advancement of medical technology, the safety and effectiveness of the third generation of test-tube babies will also be more guaranteed.