1. 咨询与初步评估


The first step is consultation and preliminary assessment. Patients can choose to consult with hospitals or specialized IVF institutions in Nanjing. During the consultation, the doctor will understand the patient's basic information, including age, reproductive history, physical condition, etc., and conduct a preliminary assessment to determine whether the patient is suitable for the third-generation test-tube baby.

2. 个性化治疗方案制定


Based on the specific situation of the patient, the doctor will formulate a personalized treatment plan. This includes determining the specific methods of IVF, drug treatment plans, surgical plans, etc. The formulation of personalized treatment plans can maximize the success rate of IVF and reduce unnecessary risks.

3. 药物治疗准备


Before the start of the IVF treatment cycle, patients need to undergo drug treatment preparation. This includes the use of ovulation-inducing drugs to promote the development and maturation of eggs. The doctor will formulate a specific medication plan according to the individual situation, and provide detailed explanations and guidance to the patient.

4. 卵子采集与提取


After the drug treatment preparation, patients need to undergo egg retrieval and sperm extraction. This step usually needs to be carried out in the assisted reproductive technology laboratory of the hospital. The doctor will use special equipment and techniques to retrieve eggs and extract sperm, ensuring the acquisition of high-quality eggs and sperm.

5. 体外受精与胚胎培育


After the collection of eggs and sperm, the doctor will perform in vitro fertilization and embryo culture. This process needs to be carried out in the laboratory, where the doctor will perform in vitro fertilization of eggs and sperm to cultivate embryos. The doctor will select the best embryo for transplantation based on the development of the embryo.

6. 胚胎移植


After embryo culture, the doctor will perform embryo transplantation. This step usually needs to be carried out in the assisted reproductive technology laboratory of the hospital, where the doctor will use special equipment and techniques to transplant the embryo into the patient's uterus for fixation and growth.

7. 术后护理与观察


After embryo transplantation, patients need to undergo postoperative care and observation. The doctor will provide detailed postoperative care guidance to the patient, including precautions, dietary regulation, medication use, etc. At the same time, the doctor will regularly observe the patient to ensure the success of the embryo transplantation and the patient's physical condition.

8. 怀孕检测与产前护理


At the appropriate time after embryo transplantation, patients need to undergo pregnancy testing. If the pregnancy is successful, the doctor will provide prenatal care to the patient, including regular prenatal examinations, dietary regulation, lifestyle guidance, etc., to ensure the health of both mother and baby.