
### 广西第三代试管婴儿的现状


In the current society, with the continuous development of technology, the technology of test-tube babies is also constantly advancing. The third-generation test-tube baby technology refers to the screening of some genetic diseases through gene editing technology on the basis of test-tube babies, as well as improving the embryo's implantation rate and pregnancy success rate. So, does Guangxi have third-generation test-tube babies? How much does the third-generation test-tube baby cost? This article will provide a detailed introduction to this.

### The current situation of the third-generation test-tube babies in Guangxi

As a developed area in China, Guangxi has also been developing test-tube baby technology. At present, Guangxi has begun to carry out the third-generation test-tube baby technology, and has achieved certain results in some medical institutions. The third-generation test-tube baby technology in Guangxi mainly focuses on some large comprehensive hospitals and reproductive medicine centers, which have first-class equipment and technical strength, providing better reproductive choices for patients in Guangxi.

### 第三代试管婴儿的费用


### The cost of the third-generation test-tube babies

Compared with traditional test-tube baby technology, the cost of the third-generation test-tube baby technology is higher. Because the third-generation test-tube baby technology requires gene editing and screening, as well as more refined embryo cultivation and implantation operations, the cost is relatively high. In Guangxi, the cost of the third-generation test-tube baby is about 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, and the specific cost depends on the individual situation of the patient and the charging standard of the medical institution.

### 第三代试管婴儿的适用人群


### The applicable population of the third-generation test-tube babies

The third-generation test-tube baby technology is mainly suitable for couples with a family history of genetic diseases, as well as older women with poor egg quality. Through the third-generation test-tube baby technology, some genetic diseases can be screened before pregnancy to avoid the risk of children suffering from genetic diseases. In addition, for older women with poor egg quality, the third-generation test-tube baby technology can also improve the quality of embryos and the success rate of pregnancy.