
1. 咨询与初步评估


During the consultation and initial assessment stage, couples usually need to undergo consultations and initial evaluations. This step aims to understand the couple's reproductive history, health status, and possible causes of infertility. Clinics offering IVF services in Kunming typically arrange for specialized doctors or consultants to communicate with couples, inquire about relevant information in detail, and conduct initial physical examinations and fertility assessments.

2. 详细检查与诊断


Based on the initial assessment, if necessary, couples may need more detailed examinations and diagnoses. This may involve endocrine examinations, ultrasound examinations, endometrial thickness measurements for the female, as well as semen analysis for the male. These examinations help doctors to have a more comprehensive understanding of the couple's reproductive issues and formulate corresponding treatment plans.

3. 促排卵治疗


For females with ovulation disorders or irregularities, doctors may recommend ovulation induction therapy. This treatment typically involves using medications to stimulate follicle growth and ovulation to increase the chance of fertilization. During this stage, doctors closely monitor follicle growth and arrange fertilization procedures at the appropriate time.

4. 受精与胚胎培育


The fertilization stage usually occurs after the female's eggs are mature. Techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are used to combine sperm with eggs. After successful fertilization, the embryos will be cultured in the laboratory for several days until they reach the appropriate stage of development for implantation into the uterus.

5. 胚胎植入


Once the embryos have developed to the appropriate stage, doctors will select the most viable ones and implant them into the female's uterus. This process is typically done through an embryo transfer (ET) procedure, where the embryos are placed directly onto the surface of the uterine lining, providing nourishment and support for further development.

6. 妊娠检测与后续护理


After embryo implantation, women need to undergo pregnancy tests in the following weeks. A positive result indicates a successful pregnancy. At this point, women need to continue receiving regular prenatal examinations and medical guidance to ensure the smooth progress of pregnancy and ultimately successful delivery.

7. 成功妊娠与分娩
