
In Kunming, the initial consultation process for IVF treatment involves several crucial steps, each of which is essential and affects the smooth progress of the entire treatment process. The following will provide a detailed introduction to the initial consultation process for IVF in Kunming.



Firstly, patients need to make an appointment for the initial consultation through the official channels of the hospital. During the initial consultation, the doctor will inquire about the patient's medical history, conduct a physical examination, and necessary tests to assess the patient's health status and fertility potential. The doctor will also discuss various aspects of IVF treatment with the patient, including possible risks and success rates.



Next, the doctor may recommend genetic testing for the patient and potential partner to assess their genetic conditions and tailor a personalized treatment plan accordingly. Genetic testing can help doctors understand the potential risks of hereditary diseases and provide important references for subsequent embryo screening.



Once the treatment plan is established, the patient will undergo ovulation induction therapy to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs. During this process, the doctor will closely monitor the growth of follicles and adjust the dosage of ovulation induction drugs based on the results of ultrasound and blood tests to ensure the quality and quantity of eggs are optimal.



When the follicles have developed to the appropriate size, the patient will undergo egg retrieval surgery. This is a minimally invasive procedure where eggs are retrieved using a fine needle guided by ultrasound. The surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia or mild sedation. While the procedure is usually brief, strict adherence to preoperative preparation is required.



After egg retrieval, the eggs will be fertilized with sperm in the laboratory to form embryos. The embryos will be cultured in the laboratory until they develop. The doctor will closely monitor the development of the embryos and select the most viable ones for transfer.



Once suitable embryos are selected, the doctor will perform the embryo transfer procedure. This is a straightforward process where selected embryos are placed into the uterus through a thin catheter. After the transfer, the patient needs to rest for a period and follow dietary and lifestyle adjustments as instructed.



After the transfer, the patient needs to wait for a period for pregnancy testing. If the test result is positive, the patient will undergo regular follow-up visits, including ultrasound examinations and blood tests, to ensure the smooth progress of the pregnancy. If the test result is