
The development of IVF technology has brought hope for many couples who cannot conceive naturally. In China, Kunming, as a city with relatively good economic and medical conditions, IVF technology is also becoming increasingly popular. However, for many couples, IVF involves not only technical issues but also economic costs. Therefore, this article will introduce the pre-IVF examinations in Kunming and the cost of IVF in Kunming City, hoping to provide some reference information for couples in need.



Preparation Before Examination

Pre-IVF examinations typically require both spouses to undergo a series of physical examinations to ensure that their physical conditions are suitable for IVF technology. These examinations include but are not limited to tubal patency examination for women, sperm quality examination for men, and routine blood tests.



Tubal Patency Examination

The tubal patency examination for women is one of the important aspects of pre-IVF examinations. Through this examination, doctors can determine whether a woman's fallopian tubes are unobstructed and whether there are any issues such as tubal blockage.



Sperm Quality Examination

Examination of sperm quality in men is also a key aspect of pre-IVF examinations. Through semen analysis, doctors can assess indicators such as sperm count, vitality, and morphology in men, thus determining the status of male fertility.



Routine Blood Tests

Routine blood tests are one of the basic items in pre-IVF examinations. Through blood tests, the health status of both spouses can be evaluated, and the impact of certain diseases on the IVF process can be ruled out.



Ultrasound Examination

Ultrasound examination is commonly used to assess the health status of the female reproductive system, including endometrial thickness, ovarian ovulation, etc. This examination can help doctors determine the optimal fertilization time.



Immunological Examination

Immunological examinations can assess the immune system status of both spouses, ruling out the impact of immune factors on the IVF process. This is crucial for improving the success rate of IVF.



Cost of IVF in Kunming

The cost of IVF in Kunming varies depending on the hospital and individual circumstances. Generally, including pre-examination, surgical fees, medication costs, and subsequent auxiliary treatment costs, the total cost of IVF ranges from tens of thousands to over a hundred thousand yuan.
