
As an auxiliary reproductive technology, the IVF technique has brought new hopes of conception to many couples facing infertility. Kunhua Hospital in Kunming, with its expertise in reproductive medicine, has accumulated rich experience in IVF procedures. Equipped with advanced facilities and technologies, it offers high-quality services to patients. The following is a detailed analysis of the IVF process at Kunhua Hospital in Kunming.



Before undergoing IVF treatment, patients undergo a comprehensive evaluation to determine their suitability. This assessment includes factors such as the age of the couple, the causes of infertility, and their overall health condition. Only those who meet the criteria are eligible for further treatment.



Based on the individual circumstances of the patients, doctors devise personalized treatment plans. These plans include medication, ovulation stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm extraction, embryo culture, etc. Doctors communicate extensively with patients, addressing their concerns and adjusting the treatment plan according to the progress.



Ovulation induction is a crucial step in IVF treatment. Doctors use medication to stimulate the development and maturation of eggs, aiming to increase the quantity and quality of eggs retrieved. Throughout this process, doctors monitor the development of ovarian follicles regularly to ensure the smooth progress of treatment.



When the ovarian follicles reach a certain size, doctors schedule an egg retrieval procedure, typically within 36 hours. Additionally, if necessary, sperm extraction surgery may also be performed to obtain sperm for the subsequent fertilization process.



After egg retrieval, eggs are fertilized with sperm in the laboratory to form embryos. Doctors select the best embryos for transfer based on their development. Any remaining embryos can be cryopreserved for future use.



After cultivation, selected embryos are transferred back into the patient's uterus. This is the most crucial step in the entire IVF treatment process. Following the transfer, patients need to rest for a period and take medication to assist embryo implantation.



After the transfer, patients wait for a period before undergoing a pregnancy test. A positive result indicates successful conception. Doctors conduct regular follow-ups to monitor the development of the embryo and provide necessary support and guidance to ensure a smooth pregnancy.
