

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), also known as test-tube baby technology, is an assisted reproductive technology used to help couples who cannot conceive naturally to fulfill their desire for parenthood. This technology involves multiple steps and requires a specialized medical team for operation. Kunming Medical University, as a professional medical institution, possesses rich experience and advanced equipment in the field of IVF.



The process of IVF begins with a comprehensive assessment of the couple. Doctors will examine the physical condition of both partners, including the quality and quantity of sperm in males and the ovarian function and uterine health in females. Additionally, females need hormonal level checks to determine the optimal time for conception. Based on the assessment results, doctors will devise personalized treatment plans to ensure the best treatment outcome.



Before undergoing IVF treatment, females need to undergo ovulation induction therapy to increase the number of eggs. This typically involves taking hormone medications to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Doctors will determine the appropriate drug dosage and treatment plan based on the female's age, ovarian function, and other factors to ensure the best treatment outcome.



Once the follicles have developed to the appropriate size, the doctor will arrange for egg retrieval surgery. This procedure is typically performed under monitoring and involves using ultrasound-guided puncture techniques to retrieve mature eggs from the female ovaries. Meanwhile, males need to provide a sperm sample, usually through voluntary masturbation or providing semen samples at the hospital. Egg retrieval and sperm collection are crucial steps in the IVF process, requiring strict operation and professional technical support.



After egg retrieval, eggs and sperm are fertilized in the laboratory through in vitro fertilization. During this process, sperm will be combined with eggs to form embryos. The fertilized eggs will continue to be cultured in a petri dish until they develop into embryos. Laboratory technicians will regularly monitor the development of embryos and select the embryos with the most developmental potential for transplantation.



Embryo transfer is one of the key steps in the IVF process. After selecting the optimal timing for transplantation, doctors will directly place the embryos into the female uterus through a thin tube, usually under the guidance of hysteroscopy. This process typically does not require anesthesia and is completed within minutes. After transplantation, females need to rest and avoid vigorous activities to increase the chances of successful embryo implantation.

