**Introduction 引言**


In vitro fertilization (IVF) technology, as a modern reproductive medical technique, has brought hope to many infertile couples. Kunming, as an important city in southwest China, attracts significant attention regarding its IVF examination projects and costs. Understanding this information can not only assist couples in planning their fertility journey but also provide background knowledge to make more informed decisions.

**昆明试管婴儿检查项目 (Kunming IVF Examination Projects)**

1. 基础检查


Before undergoing IVF treatment, both partners need to undergo a series of basic examinations to evaluate their physical condition and reproductive potential. These examinations include but are not limited to blood tests, ultrasound examinations, and hormonal tests.

2. 男性生殖检查


Male reproductive system examination is an important part of assessing male fertility, including testing sperm quality, quantity, and other relevant factors. These examinations help determine whether there are any fertility obstacles for men.

3. 女性生殖检查


Female reproductive system examination includes evaluating ovarian function, endometrial thickness, fallopian tube patency, etc. These examinations help determine whether women have the conditions for IVF treatment.

4. 遗传检查


Genetic testing is conducted to assess whether both partners have genetic diseases or abnormalities, to reduce the risk of illness in IVF-born children. This involves a comprehensive assessment of the genes of both partners.

5. 试管婴儿胚胎检查


During the IVF treatment process, examining the quality of embryos is crucial. This includes the number, morphology, and cell division of embryos to select the best timing for embryo transfer.

6. 其他辅助检查


In addition to the above routine examinations, some other auxiliary examinations may be needed depending on individual circumstances, such as immunological tests, endocrine abnormality tests, etc.

**昆明试管费用 (Kunming IVF Costs)**

1. 基础治疗费用


The basic costs of IVF treatment include basic examinations, medication expenses, surgical expenses, etc., which are the most fundamental expenses for couples undergoing IVF treatment.

2. 试管婴儿胚胎移植费用


Embryo transfer is one of the key steps in IVF treatment, and the cost includes embryo cultivation, transfer surgery, etc.

3. 辅助技术费用


If additional auxiliary techniques are required during IVF treatment, such as embryo cryopreservation, embryo PGD screening, etc., it will incur additional costs.

4. 医院费用


Hospital fees for facilities and services provided for IVF treatment also incur expenses, including operating room fees, bed fees, etc.

5. 后续随访费用
