
Have you ever wondered if human technology has advanced to the point where we can create life? The third generation of IVF (in vitro fertilization) technology is here, and it's time for us to explore this miraculous biochemical process!



Step 1: Egg Retrieval

The first step is to collect eggs from the female body. Typically, the doctor will give the woman injections of medication to stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs. Then, using ultrasound technology, the doctor will guide the retrieval of the eggs. These eggs will be the foundation for the IVF process.



Step 2: Sperm Collection

At the same time, the male will need to provide a sperm sample. These sperm will be combined with the eggs in the laboratory to create embryos.



Step 3: Fertilization and Cultivation

In the laboratory, the doctor will combine the sperm and eggs to create embryos. These embryos will then be cultivated in a petri dish until they develop into embryos.



Step 4: Embryo Selection

After the embryos have developed to a certain stage, the doctor will screen them and select the healthiest ones for implantation. This step can be done through genetic testing to ensure that the selected embryos do not carry any genetic diseases.



Step 5: Embryo Implantation

Finally, the doctor will implant the selected embryos into the woman's uterus, allowing them to develop into fetuses. If all goes well, the woman will become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.


The third generation IVF biochemical process diagram showcases the miracle of modern medical technology, giving hope to couples who are unable to conceive naturally. The development of this technology also brings new possibilities for the origin of human life. Let's look forward to more technological innovations in the future, bringing more miracles to humanity!