
1. 技术成本高昂


The high cost of third-generation test-tube babies in China is closely related to the high cost of technology. The third-generation test-tube baby technology is more precise, safe, and has a higher success rate compared to the previous two generations, which means that more advanced equipment and a more professional technical team are needed to operate. The training of these equipment and professional talents requires a large amount of capital investment, so the cost of technology naturally rises.

2. 医疗保障和风险控制


The high price of third-generation test-tube babies in China is also related to medical security and risk control. During the process of test-tube babies, doctors need to conduct a series of tests and treatments to ensure the health and safety of both mother and baby. At the same time, in order to reduce risks, hospitals also need to invest a lot of resources in risk control, which will increase the cost of test-tube babies.

3. 市场需求和供给关系


In addition, the high price of third-generation test-tube babies in China is also related to market demand and supply. With the delay of childbearing age and the increase of infertility problems, the demand for test-tube babies is also increasing. However, in terms of supply, there are not many professional test-tube baby hospitals and technical teams, which leads to a relatively insufficient supply in the market, thus driving up the price.

4. 政策和法律约束


Furthermore, the high price of third-generation test-tube babies in China is also affected by policy and legal constraints. In China, test-tube baby technology is strictly regulated and restricted, and hospitals need to invest more resources to meet the relevant policy and legal requirements, which will also increase the cost of test-tube babies.

5. 社会观念和文化因素


Finally, the high price of third-generation test-tube babies in China is also related to social concepts and cultural factors. In traditional Chinese concepts, having offspring is seen as a responsibility and a mission, so for infertile couples, test-tube baby technology is a luxury, which has also led to the rise in prices in the market.
