


The first part: the cost of third-generation test-tube baby treatment

The high cost of third-generation test-tube baby treatment is a real problem for many infertile couples. First of all, the treatment of third-generation test-tube baby requires a series of examinations and surgeries, and these costs need to be borne by themselves. Secondly, the success rate of third-generation test-tube baby is not 100%, and many couples need to try multiple times, which will also increase the treatment cost. In addition, some special situations, such as embryo implantation failure or the need for embryo genetic testing, will increase the expenditure of treatment costs.



The second part: the importance of patient support

In the face of the pressure of high cost of third-generation test-tube baby treatment, the support and communication between patients become particularly important. Many infertile couples feel lonely and anxious, and communicating with patients with similar experiences can make them feel understood and supported. Patients can encourage each other, share treatment experiences, and face the difficulties and setbacks of treatment together. Sometimes, the support of patients is even more important than the support of family members, because they can truly understand each other's feelings and situations.