
Have you ever thought about whether you would choose to have a boy or a girl if you could? In today's society, more and more couples are hoping to choose the gender of their baby, which has also led to the development of third-generation test-tube baby technology. So, what is the price of having a boy through third-generation test-tube baby technology? Let's uncover this mysterious veil together.


Third-generation test-tube baby technology is a high-tech assisted reproductive technology that selects sperm or eggs of boys or girls, and then carries out artificial insemination to achieve the purpose of choosing the gender of the baby. This technology not only requires advanced medical skills, but also expensive medical equipment and drugs. Therefore, the price of having a boy through third-generation test-tube baby technology is relatively high.


According to the survey, the price of having a boy through third-generation test-tube baby technology varies in different medical institutions and countries/regions. Generally speaking, the medical expenses in developed countries such as the United States and Japan are relatively high, while the prices in some developing countries are relatively low. In the United States, the price of having a boy through third-generation test-tube baby technology is approximately between 20,000 and 30,000 US dollars, while in some developing countries, the price may only be a few thousand US dollars.


Of course, in addition to medical expenses, other factors also need to be considered in the price. For example, the reputation of the hospital, the advanced level of equipment, the experience of the doctor, etc., will all have an impact on the price. Therefore, when choosing a medical institution for having a boy through third-generation test-tube baby technology, it is important to consider these factors comprehensively and choose a reputable and technologically advanced medical institution.


In summary, although the price of having a boy through third-generation test-tube baby technology is relatively high, with the continuous development and popularization of technology, it is believed that the price will gradually decrease. For couples who hope to choose the gender of their baby, choosing a suitable medical institution to ensure the health and safety of the baby is the most important.