



1. 遗传因素

2. 体内环境

3. 生活方式

4. 心理压力



Genetic factors

During the formation of embryos in the third-generation test-tube baby, genetic factors may be an important cause of fetal stoppage. Some couples themselves have some genetic diseases, which may be transmitted to embryos through genetic means, leading to their abnormal development and ultimately fetal stoppage. In addition, chromosomal abnormalities are also a common genetic factor, such as fetal stoppage caused by embryo chromosomal abnormalities is very common.



Internal environment

The internal environment of the mother's body is also one of the reasons for the fetal stoppage of the third-generation test-tube baby. Some physiological environments inside the mother's body may have a negative impact on the development of the embryo, such as the thickness of the endometrium, endocrine disorders, and the acidity and alkalinity of the uterine environment. These factors may lead to the cessation of embryo development in the uterus, ultimately leading to fetal stoppage.




The lifestyle of both spouses may also affect the fetal stoppage of the third-generation test-tube baby. For example, long-term drinking, smoking, overwork, and unbalanced diet may all have adverse effects on the development of the embryo, increasing the risk of fetal stoppage.



Psychological pressure

Psychological pressure is also an important cause of fetal stoppage in the third-generation test-tube baby. Both spouses may face various psychological pressures during the process of reproduction, such as worrying about fertility, worrying about the health of the child, etc. These psychological pressures may lead to endocrine disorders, affect the uterine environment, and increase the risk of fetal stoppage.