





Inadequate endometrial preparation is crucial to the success of IVF embryo transfer. If the endometrial preparation is inadequate, it will affect the implantation and growth of the embryo. Factors such as irregular menstrual cycles, thin or thick endometrium can affect endometrial preparation, leading to the failure of embryo transfer. Therefore, before undergoing IVF embryo transfer, both couples need to undergo relevant tests to ensure adequate endometrial preparation.



Lifestyle and dietary habits are also important factors affecting the success of IVF embryo transfer. Unhealthy lifestyles and dietary habits will affect the health of both couples, thus affecting the quality of embryos and the success rate of transfer. For example, smoking, alcohol abuse, excessive fatigue, and unbalanced diet can all have adverse effects on IVF embryo transfer. Therefore, before undergoing IVF embryo transfer, both couples need to adjust their lifestyles and dietary habits to maintain good physical condition.



Psychological pressure is another important factor leading to the failure of IVF embryo transfer. Many couples will develop anxiety, depression and other psychological problems after experiencing multiple failed transfers. These psychological problems will affect the body's endocrine system, thus affecting the success rate of IVF embryo transfer. Therefore, couples need to actively face psychological problems and maintain a good attitude before undergoing IVF embryo transfer, which is crucial for the success of the transfer.



Genetic factors may also lead to the failure of IVF embryo transfer. Some couples may carry certain genetic diseases, which will affect the quality of embryos and the success rate of transfer. In addition, some couples may have chromosomal abnormalities or other genetic problems, which will also lead to transfer failure. Therefore, before undergoing IVF embryo transfer, both couples need to undergo relevant genetic tests to ensure the quality of embryos and the success rate of transfer.



Age is also an important factor affecting the success of IVF embryo transfer. Women's fertility declines with age, especially for women over 35, whose fertility declines sharply. Therefore, older couples need to consider the impact of age on the success rate of transfer when undergoing IVF embryo transfer, and may need to take some additional measures to improve the success rate.



Environmental factors may also lead to the failure of IVF embryo transfer. For example, harmful factors such as radiation and chemical substances in the work environment will affect the fertility of both couples, thus affecting the success rate of transfer. Therefore, before undergoing IVF embryo transfer, both couples need to pay attention to avoiding harmful factors and maintaining a good living environment.
