
The Analysis of the Main Reasons for the Failure of Third Generation Test-tube Babies


Firstly, age is a crucial factor for women. As women age, the quality of their eggs decreases, which in turn affects the quality of the fertilized eggs. Therefore, older women have a relatively lower success rate in test-tube baby procedures.


Secondly, the quality of male sperm is also a key factor affecting the success of test-tube babies. If the quality of the male sperm is poor, it will affect the quality of the fertilized eggs, thereby increasing the risk of test-tube baby failure.


In addition, when couples with certain genetic defects or hereditary diseases undergo test-tube baby procedures, the quality of the fertilized eggs will also be affected, increasing the likelihood of test-tube baby failure.


Moreover, the hormonal drugs used during the test-tube baby process may also have a certain impact on women's bodies, leading to poor development of the endometrium or ovulation dysfunction, thereby affecting the implantation and development of fertilized eggs, increasing the risk of test-tube baby failure.


Furthermore, the technical operation and experience of the doctor during the test-tube baby process will also directly affect the success rate of test-tube babies. Improper operation or improper operation by the doctor may lead to test-tube baby failure.


In conclusion, the reasons for the failure of third generation test-tube babies are multifaceted, including age, sperm quality, genetic diseases, the influence of hormonal drugs, and the doctor's operational techniques. Therefore, before undergoing test-tube baby procedures, both couples should undergo comprehensive physical examinations and genetic testing, and choose regular medical institutions and experienced doctors to perform the surgery in order to improve the success rate of test-tube babies.