
1. 遗传疾病风险增加


2. 心理压力增加


3. 社会问题


4. 家庭经济负担增加


5. 未来生殖健康问题



1. Genetic disease risk increases

Although the third-generation test-tube baby can screen for some genetic diseases, there is still an unavoidable risk. Due to the complexity of human genes, many genetic diseases are not single-gene inheritance, but are affected by multiple genes. Therefore, even with genetic screening, some unpredictable genetic diseases may still occur. This is a huge challenge for children and families.

2. Increased psychological pressure

The parents of the third-generation test-tube baby often experience the pain of infertility for a long time. For them, being able to have a child is a great happiness. However, the following is the high expectations for the child and the excessive sense of responsibility for oneself. These psychological pressures may affect the relationship between parents and children, and even have a certain impact on the harmony of the family.

3. Social ethical issues

The emergence of the third-generation test-tube baby technology has also triggered a series of social ethical issues. For example, for women with advanced childbearing age, although they can delay childbearing age through test-tube baby technology, this may also bring a series of health problems. In addition, the allocation of social resources, the selection of genetic genes, and other issues also need to be paid attention to and discussed by society.

4. Increased economic burden on families

The cost of the third-generation test-tube baby technology is relatively high, which may increase a certain economic burden for some families. Especially for some infertile families, it may be necessary to perform multiple test-tube baby operations, which requires more money. This may bring a certain economic pressure to some families.

5. Future reproductive health issues

For children born through the third-generation test-tube baby technology, they may face some unknown reproductive health issues. Because test-tube baby technology is a relatively new reproductive method, further observation and research are needed for long-term effects. This requires long-term tracking and research on the growth and development of these children by society and scientific research institutions.

In summary, although the third-generation test-tube baby technology has brought hope to many infertile families, there are also some hidden worries and challenges. We need to take a more scientific attitude towards test-tube baby technology, pay attention to the problems in it, and seek better solutions. I hope that in the future, more scientific research institutions and social organizations will invest in the research and discussion of test-tube baby technology, bringing more hope and well-being to test-tube baby families.