
As the technology of in vitro fertilization continues to advance, the third generation of IVF has brought hope to many infertile couples. However, the occurrence of fetal demise has become a major concern for many families. So, what is the rate of fetal demise in the third generation of IVF? And how can we prevent it? Let's delve into this topic together.


Firstly, let's understand the rate of fetal demise in the third generation of IVF. According to research, the rate of fetal demise in the third generation of IVF is about 10% to 15%, compared to the natural pregnancy rate of 2% to 5%. This number is shocking, as IVF technology is supposed to be a method that increases the chances of successful conception, but the reality presents us with challenges.


So, why is the rate of fetal demise in the third generation of IVF so high? Research suggests that one possible reason is the immaturity of embryo implantation technology. In the third generation of IVF, there is still a certain level of uncertainty in embryo implantation technology, which may lead to the failure of embryos to successfully implant in the uterus, resulting in fetal demise.


So, how can we prevent fetal demise in the third generation of IVF? Firstly, for couples with infertility issues, choosing the right medical institution and professional doctors is crucial. They should seek experienced doctors for treatment to ensure the maturity and accuracy of embryo implantation technology. Secondly, both partners should maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoiding excessive fatigue and unhealthy habits, to improve embryo quality and reduce the risk of fetal demise.


In conclusion, although the rate of fetal demise in the third generation of IVF is relatively high, with the right preventive measures and medical guidance, we can still reduce this risk and bring hope of conception to more infertile couples. I hope this article can help more people understand this topic and provide assistance and guidance to those in need.