
With the continuous development of technology, the third-generation test-tube baby technology has become a means to prevent a series of genetic diseases. Among them, the prevention of dwarfism is an important achievement. Dwarfism is a rare genetic disease, and patients are short in stature, with short limbs, often accompanied by delayed intellectual development and other problems. Traditional test-tube baby technology can only conduct genetic testing before embryo transfer, while the third-generation test-tube baby technology can conduct genetic editing at the stage of fertilized eggs, thereby avoiding the transmission of dwarfism genes to the next generation. So, in addition to preventing dwarfism, what other diseases can the third-generation test-tube baby prevent?

1. 先天性心脏病


Congenital heart disease refers to the structural or functional abnormalities of the heart that infants are born with. Through the third-generation test-tube baby technology, the transmission of congenital heart disease genes to the next generation can be avoided. This is of great significance for couples with a family history of genetic diseases.

2. 遗传性白内障


Cataract is a common eye disease, and hereditary cataract is caused by gene mutations. The third-generation test-tube baby technology can avoid the transmission of hereditary cataract genes to offspring through gene editing, bringing hope to children in families with cataracts.

3. 血友病


Hemophilia is a common hereditary bleeding disorder, and patients are prone to bleeding due to a lack of clotting factors. Through the third-generation test-tube baby technology, the transmission of hemophilia genes to offspring can be avoided, preventing the suffering of newborns from this disease.

4. 肌营养不良


Muscular dystrophy is a common hereditary disease, and patients are weak due to the abnormal development of muscles. The third-generation test-tube baby technology can help families avoid transmitting muscular dystrophy genes to the next generation, bringing healthy babies to the family.

5. 先天性耳聋


Congenital deafness refers to the deafness symptoms that infants are born with. Through the third-generation test-tube baby technology, the transmission of congenital deafness genes to the next generation can be avoided, bringing healthy babies to the family and providing a better development environment for the children's future.

6. 遗传性糖尿病


Diabetes is a common chronic metabolic disease, and hereditary diabetes is caused by gene mutations. The third-generation test-tube baby technology can avoid the transmission of hereditary diabetes genes to offspring through gene editing, bringing hope to children in families with diabetes.

7. 先天性免疫缺陷


Congenital immunodeficiency refers to the abnormal immune system function that infants are born with. Through the third-generation test-tube baby technology, the transmission of congenital immunodeficiency genes to the next generation can be avoided, bringing healthy babies to the family and providing better protection for the children's immune system development.

8. 艾滋病


AIDS is a serious immune system disease. Through the third-generation test-tube baby technology, the transmission of AIDS virus genes to the next generation can be avoided, bringing healthy babies to the family and providing a better development environment for the children's future.

9. 遗传性精神疾病


Hereditary mental illness is a common hereditary disease, and patients are prone to mental problems. The third-generation test-tube baby technology can avoid the transmission of hereditary mental illness genes to offspring through gene editing, bringing hope to children in families with mental illness.

10. 先天性肾脏疾病


Congenital kidney disease refers to the structural or functional abnormalities of the kidneys that infants are born with. Through the third-generation test-tube baby technology, the transmission of congenital kidney disease genes to the next generation can be avoided, bringing healthy babies to the family and providing better protection for the children's kidney health.

11. 遗传性视网膜疾病


Retinal disease is a common eye disease, and hereditary retinal disease is caused by gene mutations. The third-generation test-tube baby technology can avoid the transmission of hereditary retinal disease genes to offspring through gene editing, bringing hope to children in families with retinal disease.

12. 先天性肌肉萎缩症


Congenital muscular atrophy is a common hereditary disease, and patients are weak due to the abnormal development of muscles. The third-generation test-tube baby technology can avoid the transmission of congenital muscular atrophy genes to offspring through gene editing, bringing healthy babies to the family.

13. 遗传性白血病


Leukemia is a serious blood system disease, and hereditary leukemia is caused by gene mutations. The third-generation test-tube baby technology can avoid the transmission of hereditary leukemia genes to offspring through gene editing, bringing hope to children in families with leukemia.

14. 先天性甲状腺功能减退症
