



Embryo Quality

Embryo quality is one of the important factors affecting fetal stop. The quality of the embryo directly affects the implantation and development of the embryo in the uterus. If the quality of the embryo is not good, it may lead to the cessation of development in the uterus. Poor embryo quality may be due to genetic factors of the fertilized egg or adverse effects during the cultivation process.



Uterine Environment

The inappropriate uterine environment is also one of the reasons for fetal stop. The uterine environment includes factors such as the thickness of the endometrium and the blood supply. If the endometrium is too thick or the blood supply is insufficient, it will affect the implantation and development of the embryo in the uterus, leading to fetal stop.



Hormone Levels

Imbalance in hormone levels may also lead to fetal stop. Hormones play an important regulatory role in the process of pregnancy. If hormone levels are unbalanced, it may affect the development of the embryo in the uterus. In particular, the levels of hormones such as progesterone have a significant impact on the implantation and development of the embryo. Unstable hormone levels may lead to fetal stop.



Immune System

Abnormalities in the immune system are also one of the reasons for fetal stop. Abnormalities in the immune system may lead to rejection reactions to the embryo, affecting the implantation and development of the embryo in the uterus. Some autoimmune diseases or abnormal immune system responses may lead to fetal stop.



Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle factors may also affect the occurrence of fetal stop. Bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and overwork may affect the process of pregnancy, leading to fetal stop. Therefore, good lifestyle and dietary habits are very important for the prevention of fetal stop during pregnancy.



Age Factor

Age factor is also an important reason for fetal stop. The older the woman is, the greater the risk of fertility, including the risk of fetal stop. With age, the quality and quantity of a woman's eggs will gradually decrease, increasing the likelihood of abnormal embryo development and fetal stop.



Genetic Factors

Genetic factors may also lead to fetal stop. Some genetic diseases or gene abnormalities may affect the development of the embryo in the uterus, leading to fetal stop. In the process of the third-generation test-tube baby, it is very important to screen and evaluate genetic factors to reduce the occurrence of fetal stop.



Psychological Factors

Psychological factors may also have an impact on fetal stop. Psychological factors such as tension, anxiety, and stress during the pregnancy process may affect hormone levels and the uterine environment, leading to fetal stop. Therefore, maintaining a good mindset and psychological health is also very important during the pregnancy process.