
With the advancement of technology, the technique of in vitro fertilization has entered its third generation. At the Shanghai Kunhe Hospital, the controversy surrounding the third generation of IVF has intensified. This controversial topic has attracted widespread attention and sparked many discussions and debates. In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of the controversy surrounding the third generation of IVF at Shanghai Kunhe Hospital, in order to give readers a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.

道德问题 Ethical and Moral Issues


The development of third-generation IVF technology has sparked discussions on ethical and moral issues. Some people are concerned that this technology may lead to the misuse of gene editing and may even produce unpredictable consequences. Others believe that this technology can help prevent some genetic diseases, which is undoubtedly a blessing for families affected by genetic diseases. Therefore, ethical and moral issues have become one of the focal points of the controversy surrounding the third generation of IVF.


The application of third-generation IVF technology has also led to people's reflections on the reproductive rights of humans. Some are concerned that this technology may lead to social differentiation, as only affluent families can afford the high costs. Others believe that every family has the right to choose their own way of reproduction, whether it is natural reproduction or through IVF technology. Therefore, human reproductive rights have also become an important issue in the controversy surrounding the third generation of IVF.

技术安全性 Technology Safety


Some people have expressed concerns about the safety of third-generation IVF technology. They worry that this new technology may bring unknown risks and pose potential threats to maternal and infant health. Therefore, more in-depth research and evaluation are needed to ensure the safety and reliability of third-generation IVF technology.


On the other hand, some believe that the safety of third-generation IVF technology has been fully guaranteed. They point out that with the continuous advancement of technology, third-generation IVF technology has undergone years of research and practice, and its safety has been effectively verified. Therefore, they believe that there should not be excessive concern about the safety of third-generation IVF technology.

医疗资源分配 Allocation of Medical Resources


Some are concerned that the promotion of third-generation IVF technology may lead to unfair allocation of medical resources. They believe that excessive resources invested in IVF technology may affect the development of other medical fields, leading to an imbalance in the allocation of medical resources. Therefore, they call for the rational allocation of medical resources to ensure that the medical needs of various sectors of society are met.


On the other hand, some believe that the development of IVF technology will not affect the allocation of medical resources. They point out that IVF technology is only a small part of the medical field and will not have a substantial impact on the development of other medical fields. Therefore, they believe that there should not be excessive concern about the impact of IVF technology on the allocation of medical resources.

社会道德责任 Social and Moral Responsibility


Some believe that hospitals should take on more social and moral responsibility when promoting third-generation IVF technology. They believe that hospitals should pay more attention to social responsibility when using this new technology, ensuring its proper use and avoiding misuse and improper behavior. Therefore, they call for hospitals to strengthen their awareness of social and moral responsibility to ensure the proper use of third-generation IVF technology.


On the other hand, some believe that hospitals have already fully taken on social and moral responsibility. They point out that hospitals have already considered social and moral responsibility when promoting third-generation IVF technology and have taken a series of measures to ensure its proper use. Therefore, they believe that hospitals have made sufficient efforts and should not be excessively required to take on more social and moral responsibility.

法律监管 Legal Supervision


Some believe that third-generation IVF technology needs stricter legal supervision. They believe that only through legal norms and supervision can the proper use of third-generation IVF technology be ensured and misuse and improper behavior be avoided. Therefore, they call for strengthening the legal supervision of third-generation IVF technology to ensure its proper development.


On the other hand, some believe that the current legal supervision is sufficient to ensure the proper development of third-generation IVF technology. They point out that the existing laws have already regulated and supervised IVF technology, ensuring its proper use. Therefore, they believe that there is no need to excessively strengthen the legal supervision of third-generation IVF technology.

公众教育 Public Education


Some believe that the public's understanding of third-generation IVF technology is not sufficient. They point out that many people have misunderstandings and prejudices about this new technology, and there is a need to strengthen public education to increase public awareness and understanding of third-generation IVF technology. Therefore, they call for enhanced public education to promote a correct understanding of third-generation IVF technology.


On the other hand, some believe that the public already has sufficient