
1. 体格检查


During the third-generation IVF embryo transfer, doctors will conduct a comprehensive physical examination of the patient. This includes measuring basic indicators such as height, weight, and blood pressure, examining external features such as skin, hair, eyes, and ears, and palpating and auscultating internal organs. Through physical examination, doctors can initially understand the patient's health status and provide a reference for subsequent examinations and treatments.

2. 生殖系统检查


In addition to the physical examination, doctors will also conduct a detailed examination of the patient's reproductive system. This includes B-ultrasound and hysteroscopy of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes in women, and semen analysis and testicular ultrasound in men. Through the reproductive system examination, doctors can understand the patient's fertility capacity, identify potential reproductive problems, and provide a basis for subsequent treatment.

3. 习惯和生活方式评估


In addition to physical examination, doctors will also assess the patient's habits and lifestyle. This includes dietary habits, exercise status, alcohol and smoking habits, etc. Through the assessment of the patient's habits and lifestyle, doctors can understand the patient's quality of life, identify factors that may affect IVF embryo transfer, and provide corresponding suggestions and improvement measures.

4. 心理评估


Before the IVF embryo transfer, doctors will also conduct a psychological assessment of the patient. This is because during the IVF embryo transfer process, patients often face tremendous psychological pressure and emotional fluctuations. Through psychological assessment, doctors can understand the patient's psychological state, identify potential psychological problems, and provide corresponding psychological support and counseling.

5. 血液检查


Blood tests are an important part of the pre-IVF embryo transfer. Doctors will conduct blood routine, biochemical indicators, immunological indicators, etc. Through blood tests, doctors can understand the patient's blood status, identify potential health problems, and provide corresponding treatment and adjustments.