



Third-generation test-tube babies who have experienced domestic violence often struggle with their identity. They are often confused and conflicted about their family background, not knowing how to face their own identity. They long to be accepted and understood, but fear discrimination and rejection from others. They need more love and support to help them establish a positive identity.



Third-generation test-tube babies who have experienced domestic violence often face various psychological issues. They may experience anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health problems, and require timely psychological counseling and treatment. Domestic violence has left them with emotional scars, and they need the help and care of professionals to help them move forward.



Third-generation test-tube babies who have experienced domestic violence may face conflicts and estrangement in their family relationships. They have complex emotions about family relationships, both longing for harmony and fearing further harm. They need communication and understanding among family members, as well as family therapy, to rebuild healthy family relationships.



Third-generation test-tube babies who have experienced domestic violence may face difficulties in social integration. They may be discriminated against and excluded because of their family background, leading to challenges in social integration. They need the attention and support of society, as well as more opportunities and resources, to help them integrate into society smoothly.



Third-generation test-tube babies who have experienced domestic violence may have difficulties in emotional expression. They may find it difficult to express their emotions due to their experience of domestic violence, not knowing how to express themselves. They need emotional education and training in emotional expression to help them better understand and express their emotions.



The spiritual growth of third-generation test-tube babies who have experienced domestic violence needs attention and support. They need a good growth environment and resources, as well as guidance and help for psychological growth, to help them grow up healthily. They need more love and care to help them overcome the shadow of domestic violence and achieve spiritual growth.

