1. 年龄因素


Age Factor:

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a high-tech fertility treatment often used to assist couples who are unable to conceive naturally. Regarding age, a crucial consideration is the age of the woman. Ideally, women should undergo IVF procedures before the age of 35 because as women age, the quality and quantity of their eggs decrease, affecting the chances of successful pregnancy. However, not all women over 35 are unsuitable for IVF; doctors will make individualized assessments based on specific circumstances.

2. 健康状况


Health Condition:

Apart from age, the health condition is also a crucial determinant of suitability for IVF. Couples with severe chronic illnesses may be advised against attempting IVF. For instance, conditions like severe heart disease, cancer, etc., may increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. Additionally, obesity might affect the success rate of IVF as it puts stress on the female reproductive system.

3. 生活方式



Lifestyle is also a significant factor. Quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake, maintaining a healthy diet, and engaging in moderate exercise can increase the success rate of IVF. Additionally, avoiding exposure to toxic chemicals and overly stressful environments is crucial.

4. 精神状态


Mental State:

The process of IVF can have an impact on the mental state of couples. Anxiety and nervousness, especially during the wait for pregnancy results, may increase. Therefore, couples need to have good psychological resilience and coping skills to navigate through the entire process more effectively.

5. 经济能力


Financial Capability:

IVF is an expensive treatment process involving multiple medical examinations, medication treatments, and surgical procedures. Couples need to ensure they have sufficient financial capability to support the entire process, including treatment costs and potential unexpected expenses.

6. 婚姻稳定性


Marital Stability:

The IVF process requires close cooperation and support between couples. Therefore, marital stability is an important consideration. If there are serious relationship issues or conflicts between couples, it may have a negative impact on the entire process of IVF.

7. 医疗历史


Medical History:

The medical history of couples also affects the suitability of IVF. Some medical conditions or surgical histories may increase the risk during the IVF process. Therefore, doctors need to fully understand the medical history of couples to devise appropriate treatment plans.

8. 遗传疾病
