

Hangzhou Fubao is a professional reproductive medical institution dedicated to providing high-quality reproductive medical services for infertile patients. With the continuous advancement of technology, Hangzhou Fubao has successfully implemented third-generation IVF technology, bringing hope of fertility to more infertile patients.



The third-generation IVF technology is a further improvement and innovation based on traditional IVF technology. It uses more advanced embryo culture technology and genetic screening technology, greatly improving the success rate of IVF and reducing the risk of embryo implantation failure. The emergence of this technology has brought new hope to patients who have failed traditional IVF.



The third-generation IVF technology has many advantages compared to traditional technology. First, it can screen out embryos with genetic diseases, avoiding the inheritance of genetic diseases. Secondly, it can use PGS/PGD technology to screen out high-quality embryos, improving the success rate of embryo implantation. In addition, the third-generation IVF technology can also reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies, reducing the health risks for both mother and baby.



The third-generation IVF technology is suitable for many infertile patients. First, for women of advanced age or with declining ovarian function, this technology can improve the success rate of conception. Secondly, for couples carrying genetic disease genes, the third-generation IVF technology can prevent the inheritance of genetic diseases. In addition, for patients who have failed the first two IVF attempts, the third-generation IVF technology is also a new option.



The surgical process of the third-generation IVF includes several steps. First, female patients need to undergo ovulation induction treatment to stimulate the ovaries to release more eggs. Then, the doctor will collect the eggs and sperm and perform fertilization in the laboratory. Next, the doctor will screen the fertilized eggs using PGS/PGD technology to select high-quality embryos. Finally, the doctor will choose the best time to implant the embryo into the female uterus for pregnancy.



Postoperative care is very important and can affect the success rate of IVF. Female patients need to strictly follow the doctor's instructions after embryo implantation, avoid vigorous exercise and sexual activity, maintain a good mood, and avoid excessive mental stress. In addition, patients also need to take medication as prescribed by the doctor, and regularly follow-up with the hospital to ensure the smooth implantation of the embryo and pregnancy.



Hangzhou Fubao has successfully performed many third-generation IVF surgeries with good results. Many infertile patients have successfully become pregnant and given birth to healthy babies after undergoing third-generation IVF surgery. These success stories bring hope to more infertile patients and prove the reliability and effectiveness of third-generation IVF technology.


The emergence of third-generation IVF technology has brought new hope to infertile patients and provided a new option for those who have failed traditional IVF. As a professional reproductive medical institution, Hangzhou Fubao will continue to work hard to provide high-quality reproductive medical services for more infertile patients and help more families achieve their dreams of having children.