
1. 年龄较大的女性


For older women, their fertility decreases with age. Some women over the age of 35 find it difficult to conceive naturally due to the decline in egg quality. However, third-generation IVF technology can increase the chances of successful pregnancy by using in vitro fertilization to select high-quality eggs for fertilization. Therefore, older women are one of the suitable groups for third-generation IVF technology.

2. 卵巢功能不全的女性


Some women have insufficient ovarian function, which leads to irregular ovulation and difficulty in conceiving. For these women, third-generation IVF technology can regulate ovulation through artificial hormone regulation, collect eggs for in vitro fertilization, and increase the chances of conception. Therefore, women with insufficient ovarian function are also suitable for third-generation IVF technology.

3. 输卵管疾病患者


Tube disease is one of the reasons for female infertility. Some women have difficulty conceiving due to problems such as tubal blockage and hydrosalpinx, which prevent eggs from passing through the fallopian tubes. Third-generation IVF technology can bypass the fallopian tubes and directly implant fertilized eggs into the uterus through in vitro fertilization, thereby solving the problem of tubal disease and increasing the chances of conception. Therefore, patients with tubal disease are also suitable for third-generation IVF technology.

4. 夫妇双方不孕不育


Some couples have difficulty conceiving naturally due to infertility problems on both sides. For these couples, third-generation IVF technology can increase the chances of conception by selecting high-quality eggs and sperm for fertilization through in vitro fertilization and then implanting the fertilized eggs into the woman's uterus. Therefore, couples with infertility problems on both sides are also suitable for third-generation IVF technology.

5. 遗传疾病患者


Some couples are concerned about passing on genetic diseases to the next generation due to genetic diseases. Therefore, they choose to use third-generation IVF technology to select healthy embryos for implantation to avoid the inheritance of genetic diseases. Therefore, patients with genetic diseases are also suitable for third-generation IVF technology.