
In the United States, third-generation IVF technology has become a lifesaver for many infertile couples. However, many people still know little about this process. Today, we will introduce a dream-centered relaxation step, which can not only help the success rate of IVF, but also make patients feel more relaxed and comfortable throughout the process.


First, this step requires patients to undergo deep relaxation before undergoing IVF. They will be asked to lie down, close their eyes, focus on their breathing, and imagine themselves in a beautiful and peaceful place, such as a beach or a forest. This state of relaxation can help patients relieve anxiety and tension, and prepare them psychologically for the IVF process.


Second, patients will undergo dream exercises before going to bed. They will be asked to imagine having a beautiful dream before falling asleep, such as a scene of reuniting with their future baby. This dream exercise can help patients maintain a pleasant state of mind during sleep, promoting physical and mental relaxation and balance.


Finally, patients can also maintain relaxation during the IVF process by listening to gentle and soothing music or meditating. These methods can help patients alleviate pain and discomfort, while promoting physical and mental balance and harmony.


In conclusion, dream-centered relaxation steps can not only help improve the success rate of IVF, but also make patients feel more relaxed and comfortable throughout the process. Through these methods, patients can better prepare to welcome their baby, while maintaining balance and health in body and mind.