

Before the embryo transfer in the third-generation test-tube baby, some drugs are usually used to help improve the success rate. These include ovulation-inducing drugs, which are used to help women produce more eggs and increase the success rate. In addition, anticoagulants are used to reduce the risk of blood clot formation, as well as immunosuppressants to reduce immune reactions and improve embryo implantation rates.



After embryo transfer, patients usually need to use some drugs to help maintain pregnancy. These drugs include progesterone, which helps maintain corpus luteum function, promote embryo implantation and sustain pregnancy. In addition, estrogen is used to help maintain pregnancy, as well as anticoagulants to prevent blood clot formation.



During pregnancy, patients need to pay special attention to the safety of medication. Generally, any drugs that may affect the embryo should be avoided during pregnancy. However, in some special cases, such as gestational diabetes, hypertension, etc., doctors may prescribe specific drugs based on the patient's specific condition to ensure the health of the mother and the fetus.



After childbirth, some women may need to use drugs to help the uterus recover, promote lactation, etc. These include uterine contraction drugs, which help the uterus return to normal size quickly and reduce the risk of postpartum bleeding. In addition, some hormonal drugs are used to help promote lactation to meet the needs of the newborn.



Diet and nutritional supplements also play a very important role in the process of the third-generation test-tube baby. Patients should pay attention to adequate intake of protein, vitamins, and minerals to ensure the healthy development of the embryo. In addition, supplementing folic acid, iron, and other nutritional supplements can help improve the success rate of pregnancy.



During the use of drugs, patients need to pay attention to the side effects and risks of the drugs. Some drugs may cause headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and other adverse reactions, while long-term use of certain drugs may increase the patient's health risks. Therefore, patients should strictly follow the doctor's advice when using drugs and report any adverse reactions to the doctor in a timely manner.



The correct use of drugs is also very important. Patients should carefully read the drug instructions, take the medication as advised by the doctor, and strictly control the dosage and frequency of the drugs. When using injectable drugs, patients need to learn the correct injection method to avoid infection and other unexpected situations.



The reasonable combination of drugs is also very important in the process of using drugs. Different drugs may interact with each other and affect their efficacy. Therefore, when using multiple drugs, patients should consult a doctor to avoid drug interactions and ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drugs.



The storage and handling of drugs are also important issues to consider. Patients should store drugs in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight and high temperatures. When handling expired drugs, patients should consult a pharmacist or doctor to avoid safety issues caused by improper handling.



During the use of drugs, patients need to undergo regular drug monitoring and adjustment. Doctors will adjust the dosage and frequency of drugs based on the patient's specific condition to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drugs. Patients should actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment plan and undergo drug monitoring and adjustment in a timely manner.



During the use of drugs, there may be situations where some drugs cause allergies or intolerance. In this case, patients can consult with the doctor to see if there are alternative drugs available to ensure efficacy while reducing adverse reactions.



Finally, patients need to pay special attention to the safety of drugs when using them. Some drugs may have adverse effects on the embryo and the mother, so patients need to take the medication under the guidance of a doctor to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the drugs.