
*In the shining light of Kunming Angel, the hope of parenthood brightens. As one of the leading IVF hospitals in Kunming, Angel Hospital has been dedicated to bringing hope and happiness to infertile patients. With a professional medical team, advanced equipment, and rich clinical experience, Angel Hospital provides personalized and professional diagnosis and treatment services to every patient. At Angel, we believe that the miracle of life can be born through the combination of technology and love. We carry the hopes and dreams of countless families and open the door to parenthood.*

#### 1. 安琪儿的专业团队

1.1 医生团队


*Angel boasts a team of doctors composed of well-known reproductive medicine experts in China. With rich clinical experience and profound academic backgrounds, they can provide patients with high-level medical services. Whether in diagnosis, treatment, or postoperative care, doctors can provide patients and their families with the most professional support and guidance.*

1.2 护理团队


*At Angel, there is also a professional nursing team who takes care of every patient with gentleness and thoughtfulness. Whether it's preoperative or postoperative care or psychological counseling during treatment, nurses are dedicated to providing patients with the most intimate care.*

#### 2. 先进的医疗设备

2.1 试管婴儿技术


*Angel Hospital has introduced internationally advanced IVF technology and equipment, including laser-assisted hatching, PGS/PGD screening, etc., ensuring the leading position of the hospital in the field of reproductive medicine. The use of these advanced equipment greatly improves the success rate of IVF, allowing more patients to realize their dreams of parenthood.*

2.2 生殖内分泌科


*Angel Hospital is equipped with advanced reproductive endocrinology equipment, which can conduct comprehensive endocrine examinations and treatments for patients. Through scientific endocrine regulation, it helps patients overcome fertility barriers and improve pregnancy success rates.*

#### 3. 人性化的服务

3.1 个性化诊疗方案


*Each patient has their unique physical condition and lifestyle. At Angel, doctors will tailor personalized diagnosis and treatment plans according to the actual situation of the patient to ensure the maximization of treatment effects.*

3.2 家庭式护理环境


*Angel Hospital has created a warm and comfortable family nursing environment, allowing patients to feel the warmth and security of home while receiving treatment, relieving anxiety and conducive to improving treatment effects.*

