
1. **身份证件:**


2. **结婚证:**


3. **医学证明:**


4. **经济证明:**


5. **同意书:**



In vitro fertilization, as a miraculous achievement of modern medical technology, is captivating countless couples longing to become parents with its fascinating charm. However, before embarking on the journey of in vitro fertilization, it is crucial to prepare various necessary documents. Here is the list of documents required for in vitro fertilization in Kunming:

1. **Identification Documents:**

As the core proof of personal identity, the ID card is the first and foremost document to be prepared. For both couples, their ID documents need to be complete, and photocopies as well as originals need to be provided. These documents will ensure the hospital verifies the patient's identity and provide the necessary basis for subsequent procedures.

2. **Marriage Certificate:**

If the couple is already married, the marriage certificate is one of the essential documents. Providing the marriage certificate can verify the marital relationship of both couples, which is important both legally and medically.

3. **Medical Certificates:**

In addition to personal identification, medical certificates are also indispensable. This includes physical examination reports, fertility certificates, etc. These documents are crucial for doctors to assess the physical condition of the couple and determine whether they are suitable for in vitro fertilization surgery.

4. **Financial Proof:**

In vitro fertilization surgery is expensive, so financial proof is required to demonstrate that the couple has sufficient financial resources to support the surgery. This can be bank deposit certificates, work income certificates, etc., to ensure that the surgery costs can be paid smoothly.

5. **Consent Form:**

In vitro fertilization surgery involves ethical and legal medical technology, so couples need to sign a consent form confirming that they understand the risks and consequences of the surgery and voluntarily accept the treatment brought by this technology.

The above is the main list of documents required for in vitro fertilization in Kunming. With these documents ready, couples can embark on the journey of in vitro fertilization with peace of mind, looking forward to the arrival of their new life.