

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), or test-tube baby technology, is an assisted reproductive technology aimed at helping couples who cannot conceive naturally to achieve their dream of parenthood. This technology involves fertilizing eggs with sperm in a laboratory to create embryos, which are then transferred back into the uterus in the hope of a successful pregnancy. In Kunming, IVF technology has been widely used and is continuously evolving and improving.



Before undergoing IVF embryo transfer, couples need to undergo a series of preparatory procedures. Firstly, comprehensive physical examinations are required, including sperm quality tests for men and ovarian function tests for women. Additionally, women need to undergo ovulation induction therapy to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs. Moreover, doctors will devise personalized treatment plans for couples based on their individual conditions, including medication and nutritional guidance.



After ovulation induction, the doctor will schedule egg retrieval surgery. This surgery is usually performed at a specific time during a woman's menstrual cycle, where eggs are aspirated from follicles under vaginal ultrasound guidance. The collected eggs will then be taken to the laboratory for fertilization, where male sperm will be used to create embryos.



In the laboratory, retrieved eggs will be fertilized with male sperm to form embryos through in vitro fertilization. These fertilized eggs will be cultured in specific media for several days until they develop into high-quality embryos. During this process, doctors will closely monitor the development of the embryos and select the most viable ones for transfer.



During embryo culture, doctors will assess the thickness and condition of the female endometrium to determine the optimal timing for transfer. Typically, progesterone therapy will be administered before the transfer to promote the growth and preparation of the endometrium. Once the endometrium reaches the desired state, the embryo transfer procedure can be performed.



Embryo transfer is one of the key steps in IVF technology. During the procedure, doctors will use a catheter to deliver the cultured embryos directly into the woman's uterus. This process is typically brief and does not require anesthesia. After the transfer, patients need to rest and follow the doctor's advice to increase the success rate of implantation.

