1. 简介



The technique of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is gradually becoming popular in Kunming, bringing hope for reproduction to many infertile couples. However, in the process of IVF, it is necessary to prepare a series of documents to ensure the smooth progress of the procedure. This article will detail the various documents required for IVF in Kunming.

2. 夫妇双方身份证明


Identification of Both Couples:

Both couples undergoing IVF surgery need to provide valid identification documents, including ID cards and household registration books. These documents are used to verify the identity information of both parties and ensure the legality and safety of the surgery.

3. 结婚证


Marriage Certificate:

Married couples undergoing IVF surgery need to provide a marriage certificate as proof of their marital relationship. The marriage certificate is one of the important documents to ensure the legality of the surgery and is also essential for safeguarding the child's legal identity.

4. 医学诊断报告


Medical Diagnosis Report:

Before undergoing IVF surgery, both couples need to provide medical diagnosis reports to confirm the causes of infertility. These reports are issued by professional doctors and are of great guiding significance for formulating personalized treatment plans and surgical procedures.

5. 健康证明


Health Certificate:

Both couples need to provide health certificates to prove that their physical health is suitable for IVF surgery. These certificates are usually issued by relevant medical institutions and include physical examinations, blood tests, and other items.

6. 治疗同意书


Treatment Consent Form:

Before undergoing IVF surgery, both couples need to sign a treatment consent form to confirm their voluntary acceptance of treatment and understand the possible risks and consequences of the surgery. The treatment consent form is one of the important documents for the legal conduct of medical procedures.

7. 支付凭证


Payment Voucher:

IVF surgery usually requires a certain fee, and both couples need to provide payment vouchers as proof of payment. Payment vouchers can be in the form of bank transfer records, receipts, etc., to verify the payment situation.

8. 法律授权书


Legal Authorization Letter:

In some cases, both couples may need to provide a legal authorization letter to authorize others to handle IVF-related matters on their behalf. These authorization letters need to be certified by notary organizations to ensure their legality and validity.