
### 1. 体格检查与生活习惯评估



Assessment of Lifestyle Habits

In the preliminary examination for IVF in Kunming, the first step is a physical examination. Doctors will conduct a comprehensive physical examination of both partners, including measuring height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, etc. Additionally, doctors will inquire about the couple's lifestyle habits, such as dietary habits, exercise routines, smoking, and alcohol consumption, to assess whether they have any adverse effects on fertility health.

### 2. 生殖系统检查



Female Examination

For males, reproductive system examination mainly includes semen analysis and testicular ultrasound. Semen analysis can evaluate the quantity, vitality, and morphology of sperm, while testicular ultrasound can detect whether the structure and function of the testicles are normal.

### 3. 卵巢功能评估



Ovarian Function Assessment

For females, ovarian function assessment is a crucial part of the preliminary examination for IVF in Kunming. Doctors will assess the size, morphology, and follicle development of the ovaries through ultrasound to determine whether ovarian function is normal.

### 4. 子宫内膜评估



Uterine Endometrial Assessment

In the preliminary examination for IVF in Kunming, uterine endometrial assessment is usually performed through hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy allows direct observation of the uterine cavity and endometrium to detect any abnormalities such as endometrial polyps, adhesions, etc.

### 5. 遗传疾病筛查



Genetic Testing

In the preliminary examination for IVF in Kunming, both partners need to undergo genetic disease screening. Genetic testing can assess whether the couple carries genes for genetic diseases, to avoid the impact of genetic diseases on the health