1. 生理风险


As women age, their fertility declines and the quality and quantity of their eggs decrease. This means that older women undergoing third-generation IVF may face higher physiological risks. For example, decreased egg quality may lead to an increased risk of embryo implantation failure or miscarriage. In addition, older women are more likely to have chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes during pregnancy.

2. 胎儿发育风险


Pregnancy in older women may increase the risk of fetal developmental abnormalities. Studies have shown that babies born to older mothers are more likely to have congenital heart disease, Down syndrome, and other issues. In addition, the uterine environment of older women may not be as healthy, affecting the healthy development of the embryo.

3. 心理压力


Older couples may face greater psychological pressure in the process of pursuing fertility. They may feel anxious, worried about their physical condition and the health of the fetus, and even worry about whether they will be able to see their child grow up. This psychological pressure may affect the quality of life of the couple and the health of the baby.

4. 对夫妇关系的影响


The process of pursuing fertility may have an impact on the relationship between couples. Due to the pressure of fertility, couples may have conflicts and arguments, which may even affect their emotions and marital stability. Especially in the face of difficulties in fertility, communication and support between couples become particularly important.

5. 经济压力


Older couples undergoing third-generation IVF may face greater financial pressure. The medical expenses during the IVF process and the subsequent cost of raising a child are not small expenses. Moreover, due to their older age, parents may need more energy and money to take care of their children.

6. 社会支持


Older couples may need more social support in the process of pursuing fertility. They may need help in coping with the physiological, psychological, and economic pressures of fertility, as well as dealing with potential issues related to the education and growth of their children. Social support is crucial for the health and happiness of the couple and the child.