

In recent years, with the continuous development of reproductive medical technology, human beings have become increasingly powerful in controlling fertility. The emergence of third-generation test-tube baby technology has brought hope to couples who cannot conceive naturally. However, the problem of fetal malformations that comes with it has also aroused people's attention and concern.


The development of test-tube baby technology has given people more control over the process of reproduction, but it has also brought some ethical and moral issues. In the fetal screening of third-generation test-tube babies, although some genetic diseases and chromosomal abnormalities can be detected, it is still impossible to completely avoid the occurrence of fetal malformations. This makes people start to think whether the progress of technology means that we should interfere with the laws of nature without restriction.


On the other hand, the emergence of third-generation test-tube baby technology has also made people re-examine the meaning of life. If a fetus has a serious malformation, should parents choose to terminate the pregnancy? This issue involves ethics, religion, law, and other fields, which has made people think deeply.


For the problem of fetal malformations, scientists are also constantly seeking solutions. Some new gene editing technologies are used to repair fetal genetic defects in order to reduce the occurrence of fetal malformations. However, the use of these technologies has also sparked many controversies, and people are worried whether such interventions will bring more risks and side effects.


In this issue, we need to balance the progress of technology with ethical considerations. We need more discussion and thinking to ensure that our actions do not harm the dignity and value of life. Perhaps, we need to re-examine the relationship between human beings and nature, and rethink our attitude towards life.


The problem of fetal malformations in third-generation test-tube babies is not only a medical technology issue, but also an ethical issue related to human survival and development. We need more attention and thinking to find a solution that can meet the needs of human reproduction while respecting life.