


The basic principle of general anesthesia technology is to use drugs to induce a state of unconsciousness, painlessness, and muscle relaxation. The basic principle of general anesthesia technology is to inhibit the excitability of the central nervous system through the action of drugs, thereby achieving analgesia and unconsciousness. At the same time, general anesthesia technology also includes monitoring and support of the patient's vital signs to ensure the patient's safety during the surgical process.



The application of general anesthesia technology is very important in the third-generation test-tube baby surgery. Firstly, general anesthesia technology can effectively control the pain during the surgery, so that the patient will not feel any pain during the surgery. Secondly, general anesthesia technology can also put the patient in a coma state to ensure the smooth progress of the surgery. In addition, general anesthesia technology can also reduce the amount of bleeding during the surgery and reduce the surgical risk.



With the continuous development of medical technology, general anesthesia technology is also constantly improving. In the future, general anesthesia technology will more accurately control the depth of anesthesia in patients, reduce the side effects and complications of anesthesia. At the same time, general anesthesia technology will be safer and more reliable, bringing a better surgical experience to patients.



At present, the research of general anesthesia technology has made certain progress, but there are still some problems and challenges. For example, the selection and use of anesthetic drugs, the monitoring and control of anesthesia depth, etc. still need further research and improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the research on general anesthesia technology in the future, and continuously improve its safety and effectiveness.