


The third-generation test-tube baby is generally performed on the second to fifth day of the female menstrual cycle for ovarian ultrasound examination to determine the number and size of follicles, and then start using ovulation-promoting drugs. During the ovulation-promoting process, the doctor will determine the best time for egg retrieval based on the results of ultrasound and blood hormone levels. Generally, 10-14 days of treatment are required from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle to egg retrieval.



Embryo transfer is one of the key steps in the third-generation test-tube baby. Generally, embryo transfer is performed on the third to fifth day after egg retrieval. The doctor will determine the best time for transfer based on the quality and quantity of embryos, as well as the specific situation of the patient. Regular pregnancy tests are required after the transfer to ensure the successful implantation of the embryos.



After successful embryo transfer, pregnancy testing is required. Generally, pregnancy testing can be performed about 10-14 days after the transfer. Serum HCG testing or urine HCG testing can determine whether pregnancy is successful. If the pregnancy test is positive, then related treatment for pregnancy maintenance is needed.



After successful pregnancy, related treatment for pregnancy maintenance is needed. The doctor will determine whether it is necessary to supplement progesterone or other drugs based on the specific situation of the patient. Regular prenatal examinations and pregnancy care are crucial to ensure the smooth progress of pregnancy.



After full-term pregnancy, delivery is required. Depending on the specific situation of the patient and the method of embryo transfer, natural delivery or cesarean section can be chosen. The doctor will determine the best delivery method based on the specific situation of the embryos and the patient's physical condition.



After successful delivery, baby care is required. Newborns need to receive routine postpartum care and feeding. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive physical examination of the newborn to ensure their healthy growth.


In summary, the third-generation test-tube baby is generally performed on the second to fifth day of the female menstrual cycle. The entire process includes embryo transfer, pregnancy testing, pregnancy maintenance, delivery, and baby care. The success rate depends on the specific situation of the patient and the various stages of treatment. Through scientific treatment and careful care, the success rate of the third-generation test-tube baby can be effectively improved.