

The development of IVF technology has made significant progress in the medical field, bringing hope of reproduction to many infertile couples. The first generation of test-tube babies refers to the development of fertilized eggs in the mother's womb through in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology, while the second generation of test-tube babies involves genetic editing before the implantation of fertilized eggs. The third generation of test-tube babies is even more advanced, allowing for the selection of the baby's gender through genetic editing technology.



With the emergence of the third generation of IVF technology, gender selection has sparked widespread controversy. Some believe that gender selection is an intervention in life that may lead to gender imbalance and discrimination. On the other hand, some argue that gender selection respects individual freedom and helps families fulfill their preferences for the gender of their baby. This controversy also affects the future of girls, as in some cultures, boys are seen as the heirs of the family, and girls may face more pressure and discrimination.



Gender plays an important role in society, and girls' education and career opportunities are affected by gender discrimination. Although in many countries and regions, girls' education and career opportunities have improved, in some places, girls still face problems of inadequate educational resources and occupational discrimination. If the proportion of girls continues to decline, this inequality may be further exacerbated.



The health and social status of girls have also received attention. In some societies, girls may face more health risks and lower social status. If gender selection leads to a decline in the proportion of girls, this may have an impact on the overall health and stability of society. Therefore, careful consideration is needed in gender selection to ensure that the health and social status of girls are not affected.



Gender selection involves many moral and ethical issues. Some are concerned that gender selection may lead to a lack of respect for life and even breed gender discrimination. In addition, gender selection may also lead to some adverse social consequences, such as gender imbalance and family disputes. Therefore, in-depth ethical discussions are needed in gender selection to find a solution that balances the interests of all parties.



Gender selection is also influenced by social culture. In some cultures, boys are seen as the heirs of the family, and girls may face more pressure and discrimination. If gender selection leads to a decline in the proportion of girls, this may exacerbate this inequality and further increase the social and cultural pressure on girls.



Family and individual choices are also factors that influence gender selection. Some families may wish to have children of different genders to achieve balance and completeness in the family. Personal preferences for the gender of the baby also influence the decision of gender selection. Therefore, it is necessary to respect the choices of families and individuals, while also taking into account the interests of the entire society.



In gender selection, a balance between technology and ethics needs to be found. Although the development of technology provides the possibility for gender selection, it is necessary to consider the moral and social issues that gender selection may bring. Therefore, a balance needs to be found between technological development and ethical norms to ensure that gender selection does not have a negative impact on society.



Gender equality is an important social issue that needs to be addressed. Gender selection may have an impact on gender equality, so the importance of gender equality needs to be considered in gender selection. Ensuring the rights and status of girls is an important part of social development and an important factor to be considered in gender selection.



In the development of the third generation of IVF technology, gender selection will continue to receive attention. In the future, it is necessary to have a more in-depth discussion on the possible impact of gender selection in order to find a solution that balances the interests of all parties. At the same time, a balance needs to be found between technological development and ethical norms to ensure that gender selection does not have a negative impact on society.